Tooth loss can occur for many reasons, but you might struggle with several difficulties with this issue that can worsen over time. Your dentist can evaluate your smile and provide you with a tooth replacement solution that can both restore and preserve your smile.
You may worry about adding dental fixtures to your mouth, but tooth replacement will be highly beneficial for your smile. Feel confident in your dental treatment by reading on and learning three of the many reasons you should replace your missing teeth through restorative dentistry.
Seek Tooth Replacement Treatment from Your Dentist
Restore Oral Capabilities
When you lose one or more teeth, you will have spots in your smile that will no longer function as they once did. You might find it harder to chew, bite, speak, or perform other oral capabilities.
This could impact your diet and nutrition if you start to avoid certain foods that you have trouble chewing. You may also start to steer clear of social occasions if you do not feel confident in your ability to communicate without issue in front of an audience.
Your dentist can give you tooth replacement solutions that you can trust. A fixed oral appliance like a dental implant will remain securely in your mouth. You can then speak and eat without issue and without worrying a device will fall out of your mouth at an inopportune moment.
Preserve Your Jawbone
Your teeth extend into a root below the gum line that reaches the jaw. The tooth’s root stimulates the bone in the jaw to keep it healthy. When you lose a tooth, the jaw no longer receives this stimulation.
The jawbone will deteriorate in the process. The anchor of a dental implant will replace the absent tooth root, providing stimulation to the jaw once again. This stops bone loss there, preserving the facial and dental structure.
Removable appliances like dentures only replace teeth above the gum line. You can find more comprehensive restorative benefits from implant dentistry. Consult with your dentist to learn if you have enough healthy bone in the jaw to support a dental implant.
Fill Gaps in Your Smile
Missing teeth can disrupt the appearance of your smile. You might feel unhappy about the way your smile looks when you have gaps in your teeth. Losing a tooth may lead your remaining teeth to shift and become crooked too, further impacting your dental aesthetic.
Your dentist can fill the gaps in your smile with tooth replacement solutions. This treatment can also stop your other teeth from growing misaligned. Whether you want to replace one, several, or an entire arch of teeth, your dentist can find the best treatment to suit your unique needs.
They will ask you to attend a cosmetic dental consultation to determine an individualized treatment strategy to accomplish your smile aesthetic goals. Call your dentist in Midland, TX today to learn how restorative dentistry can enhance and protect your oral health.
Replacing Missing Teeth in Midland, TX
It’s easy to take your teeth for granted, but once they’re gone, it’ll be much harder for you to speak clearly or enjoy a varied diet. Furthermore, if the new space in your mouth stays empty, your other teeth may start to shift out of place, and that could ultimately lead to bite problems or even further tooth loss. Dr. Courter can offer dental implants, dentures, and other options to fill the gap in your smile so that you can keep enjoying a high quality of life.
Dental Bridges
If you’re missing a single tooth or a few teeth in a row, you might be able to replace them with a dental bridge as long as there are still healthy teeth next to the gap. Traditional bridges consist of one or more false teeth that are connected by a pair of crowns attached to your natural teeth. Your new restoration will be shaded and designed so that it matches the rest of your smile; most people won’t even notice that you’ve had dental work done. To learn more, see Dental Bridges.
Dentures & Partial Dentures
Probably the first solution you’ll think of when it comes to missing teeth, today’s dentures are more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing than ever before. Traditional full dentures are used when there’s little to no teeth remaining in your upper or lower arch and are held in place by suction or adhesive; if you still have plenty of healthy teeth, you might get partial dentures secured by a metal clasp instead. To learn more, see Dentures & Partials.
Dental Implants
While dentures and bridges have their advantages, dental implants are unique in that they’re the only kind of restoration that replaces the roots of the tooth. This makes the restorations they support stronger and more stable, so you’ll be able to eat all your favorite foods without worrying about your false teeth slipping. Furthermore, implants stimulate the jaw to prevent bone loss, and they can last for decades with minimal maintenance and good oral hygiene.
While many dentists consider dental implants to be the gold standard when it comes to tooth replacement, they are a bit of an investment. Every patient’s cost will amount to something different based on a number of factors, such as how many teeth need to be replaced and their location in the mouth. Rest assured that dental implants are worth every single penny. To learn more about dental implants, see Dental Implants.
Contact our dental office to schedule a consultation today to learn your options to replacing missing teeth in Midland, TX!